The Genius Drive Revamp Project

(OR Creating a VistaPE USB bootable thumb drive with PGP by Varun Tansuwan)

Table of Contents

Back to I. Getting Started

Forward to III. Installing WAIK and setting up WIM Mounting

II. Virtual Machine Setup

This guide assumes all building is done in a Windows XP Pro SP3 32-bit Virtual Machine. This assures that the environment being built within is clean and that the resources being compiled are clean. It also helps isolate build problems. If you prefer to do this under your native primary OS feel free to do so. Just note things may not work as smoothly. If you are using Vista 32/64-bit or Windows 7 32/64-bit, you may need to adjust or run things in compatibility/admin mode to be able to build properly.

a.    Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 (You can use VMWare or Virtual Box etc. if you prefer, but these instructions are for MS Virtual PC 2007)

1. The Virtual environment this guide is created under is Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1. You can download this and it will work under Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

Download the appropriate installation Virtual PC 2007 SP1 files for x86 or x64 at (scroll down to get to the download links) 
MSVirtualPCDownloadPage1 MSVirtualPCDownloadPage2

2. Install it and begin configuring it. Run the software and at the Virtual PC Console click the New button.

WelcomeToTheNewVirtualMachineWizard NewVirtualMachineWizard

3. Click Next then select Create a Virtual Machine then hit Next again.

WelcomeToTheNewVirtualMachineWizard NewVirtualMachineWizard

4. Name it appropriately and hit Next. Select Windows XP Operating system and hit Next. 

Virtual Machine Name And Location Choose Virtual Machine Operating System

5. Select Adjusting the RAM and make it 512 megs or better and hit Next. Select A New Virtual Hard Disk and hit Next.

Set Virtual Machine Memory Virtual Hard Disk Options

6. You can hit Next then Finish here or adjust the Virtual Hard disk size (I suggest a minimum of 20 gigabytes).

Name Virtual Hard Disk Finish Virtual Machine

7. Select your Virtual Machine and hit the Start Button. Immediately hit Right Alt+P keys to Pause. Then open the CD Menu and choose Capture ISO image, and then browse to and select your Windows XP SP3 iso image file. OR Use Physical Drive (select appropriate drive letter and put in the Windows XP Pro SP2+ installation CD). If it doesn’t boot to the CD image or Physical Drive, go ahead and click Action then select Reset to reboot the Virtual Machine.

Very helpful hint: Hitting the right-alt key will allow you to unlock the mouse cursor from the virtual machine.

Select Start Virtual Machine Capture ISO

8. Hopefully you will be greeted with a familiar screen. Continue setting things up as you normally would for a clean Windows XP Pro installation. Installing Hotfixes, anti-virus etc. 

WinXP Setup WinXP Setup Copying

9. Install Virtual Machine Additions by clicking Action (in the upper left) then Install/Update Virtual Machine Additions. Just follow the steps until it is done installing and restart the Virtual Machine. This will allow you to move your mouse cursor seamlessly between Virtual PC window and main OS. It also allows for more sharing of resources between the two.

Setup Virtual Machine Additions
10. Setup Networking by going to Edit then Settings then Select Networking and set Adapter 1 to Shared Networking (NAT). You can also setup Network sharing here so that you have a way to transfer files into and out of the Virtual Machine.

Virtual Machine Settings Virtual Machine Network Settings

At this point the Virtual PC should be ready for starting the next step.

Forward to III. Installing WAIK and setting up WIM Mounting

Back to I. Getting Started

Table of Contents

Last Update 07-27-2009